Natoma Bay Slide Show
Slides from the original Natoma Bay CVE 62 slide show created by John W. DeWitt and Lucinda DeWitt in 2002

Okinawa-Miyako Shima
June 7, 1945. Photos from the Okinawa section of the NB Logbook These photos appeared on pp. 17-26 of the Okinawa section of the Natoma Bay Logbook. ONE LUCKY SHIP!!

Logos for the various Divisions aboard the USS Natoma Bay Division Logos penned by one of the Natoma Bay's Radar Operators.

Natoma Bay Reunions
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Harold Adams
These are pictures of my dad's, Harold Clark Adams, who was a plane captain for Avenger Torpedo Plane number 81. I will be adding more pictures as I am able. Note from LD—Submitted by his daughter, Tami/Spirit Bird. Harold's reflections on his Natoma Bay experience can be found at: http://natomabaycve62.org/NBCrewUpdates/NBHaroldClarkAdams.html

William H. Baumfalk
Pictures of William H. Baumfalk submitted by his son Terry L. Baumfalk.